You've seen
T H E • H O B B I T :
Who could forget bug-eyed Gollum?:
"Let's play a Riddle Game..."
What a Creep!
"I am the clue-finder, the web-cutter, the stinging fly.
I was chosen for the lucky number."
"Lovely titles!" sneered the dragon. "But lucky numbers don't always come off."
I was chosen for the lucky number."
"Lovely titles!" sneered the dragon. "But lucky numbers don't always come off."
With bills and all, we thought we'd hock this brilliant P U Z Z L E and see what you think:
It's Bilbo and Galdalf in their Exciting Escape from the Wargs and Goblins, as Giant Eagles bear them and their Company off to Safety... Well, Safety is a relative term...but "bear" definitely applies...
But why couldn't the Eagles just bear them off to the Lonely Mountain, where they were headed?
Ah well, such are the questions for Geekdom, as we are truly denizens...well at least one of the Connie and Andrew team are...
you can guess which one. He is the type of person who could probably speak Elvish, to a degree. Maybe broken Elvish. (Oh shoot we gave it away there didn't we?)
R O C K I N • R A N K I N • B A S S
The fantastic image above hails from the Rankin-Bass "Made For TV" Special of the 70s.
We saw it! Didn't you? Well you can still rent it and even see where they made scene endings for commercial breaks. Shoot, you could even pause it at those points and work on this splendid puzzle!
A N D • N O W • A • W O R D • F R O M • O U R • S P O N S O R
If you enjoy this First Post to our First Blog Ever (o...m...g!): Connie and Andrew's Ponder, you will delight in our Vibrant Hand-dyed and Stamped Clothing Shop!
N O W • A B O U T • T H A T • M I S S I N G • P I E C E . . .
We really are missing that one piece, as you might see from the link. Go on, check it out - we'll wait for you...
See it - there! Above Gandalf's head. Well actually it does take off a piece of his hat. No, we really don't know what happened to it. Seriously. And we don't have a dog. And the cat wouldn't be the least bit interested. Vacuum cleaner, you say? Maybe. Still in the house somewhere? Perhaps...
If we do find it, we'd probably also find:
• Several Unmatched Socks
• AA and AAA and those little punky-ass wristwatch batteries
• Many Legos
• $3.49 in (Filthy) Change
• A Lou Gehrig Signed Rookie Card
What else might we find? What weird or common stuff have you found in the dark places of your home? Post it here and try to keep it PG-13! We're here to have fun with our Vintage Wares so many Thanks Groovy Cats, for checking out our first-ever blog!
B E • C O O L • A N D • P O S T • O F T E N ! • • •
Large chunky Hobbit quotes ©1937 et al updates, by JRR Tolkien.