Space Pig. It made me feel powerful after all. |
Recently after My Best Friend Shelly and I broke up as best friends, I took to meditating. My Second Best Friend Stewart brought it up actually.
He said: "Hey, like, instead of talking about what a Square Shelly is all the time, you could, you know, like, meditate on it, and, you know, maybe GROW from the experience or something!"
And I'm like: "Go tie dye your whitie-tighties, You Bonehead!"
(Actually I only thought of all that after. I just called him a Jerk and threw my Salt Pig at him).
But then I saw my adorable looking Salt Pig laying on my Flash Mustard Yellow and Harvest Gold checkered tile kitchen floor and thought, "What if I could, like, shrink myself down and meditate inside this thing?" I mean without the salt in it of course, which half of it was on the floor already and cuz that would, like, burn into my newly shrunken body or something.
So I imagined it, and later I thought, "Maybe Shelly isn't such a b*tch.....maybe I'm the B*tch!" And that felt really powerful, so, like, I'm gonna go with that.
Thanks Stewart! Meditating is So Cool!
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